
March Currently

It's MARCH already you guys! I guess February really is a short month, huh?

Well, I'm linking up for my favorite linky party...Currently!

Listening: So, I was listening to the news to hear about the polling for Super Tuesday. This is going to be some election.

Loving: I love this weather, but it can be a bit bipolar at times. It's not too warm nor too cold.

Thinking: It's been a minute since I've worked on products for my store. I've been so busy with other things I've been neglecting my TPT store.

Wanting: Anyone else love Cheesecake Factory? I don't know why I enjoy it so much (well the food is good), but it's so random for me to want a meal from there. 

Needing: My back has been aching and as a teacher I stand most of the day, so my feet ache as well. I can take a massage right about now.

Polling site: Our school was a polling site a couple of weeks ago. It was during the weekend though so it didn't interfere with school (but it was a bit weird).

So, how are you currently doing? Join in at Farley's Oh Boy It's 3rd Grade!


  1. Oh I am down with needing a massage! I was in a car accident last May and suffered pretty severe whiplash and because work has been a stress-fest, my neck is tight, tight, tight. I could use an hour massage to iron out those wrinkles for sure!

    1. I had a full body one hour massage last year which was amazing! I think teachers everywhere should receive one around this time of the year!

      Happy Teaching!

  2. A massage sounds so good. I am getting one over spring break! I love the Cheesecake factory but have only ever been twice! Have a good week!

    1. Every time I stop in a city that has a Cheesecake Factory, I always tend to visit - whether it's a meal or dessert! LOL

      Enjoy your massage over break! I may need to schedule one as well.

  3. Love the Cheesecake factory. What a yummy treat that we are well deserving of receiving! Believe it or not, I've never had an official massage in all my years, but I think it's time I give it a try. Have a great month!

    1. YES! If you can find a great spa that offers massages, I would definitely suggest getting one.

      Ever since my first visit to the Cheesecake Factory, I've basically been hooked!

      Happy Teaching!

  4. I have a product open in Powerpoint taunting me right now...never enough time in the day!

    1. LOL...I know the feeling! In the #TeacherpreneurTribe group on Facebook, they are starting an accountability group to help teachers get support with their teacherpreneur ventures.
