
Multiplication Brag Tags

So, anything I implement or do in my class or add to my TPT store is usually uploaded on Classroom News or the Freebies page. Instead I thought I should post this new freebie on my homepage because I'm very excited about it! The 'I know my facts' brag tags are now posted! The last freebie of the month! It covers multiplication facts 2-12 for grades 3 and above (probably up to 5th grade). It's literally a big hit in my class! I implemented it last week and my students have since been trying to win their own multiplication brag tag (it's adorable and great at the same time because they love incentives).

Each page has copies of one tag. For instance, there are several tags for 5's on one page, 10's on another and so forth. Once printed laminate for durability.

I purchased this friendship thread from Wal-Mart at a very good price! I doubled it through the holes of the tags just for sturdiness. 

Here's just a visual of how the tags came out. I think they look awesome! I mixed the color of the thread with the color of the tag just to make it a bit more fun for the students.

Last but not least, here's just a picture of one of my students who has mastered his 5's facts. In our district, students begin with 5's, 2's and 10's at the beginning of third grade since they are coming from 2nd grade working with those numbers. I honestly didn't think 5's would be tough, but for some of my students it's a bit difficult because they are so used to counting on their fingers and not learning the facts for fluency.

Stay posted because division swagger bands are coming soon and my students are ECSTATIC about those more than the multiplication brag tags (I think it's because the word swagger is a part of the name-lol).

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