
Sunday Scoop 11-8-15

So here's my second Sunday Scoop with the Teaching Trio linky party!

3 Have's: 1- So, I usually try to have my lesson plans done by Friday but that clearly didn't happen. Our students are doing a lot of Common Benchmark Assessments this week, so completing the plans hopefully won't be too much. Plus, we are working on the same skill from last week-summarizing- because our schedule was constantly interrupted due to several different reasons.
2- The Winter Performance play is completed and now I have to have auditions. I'm hoping to get the flyers and sides done tonight so I can have information announced on our school's morning news show for the auditions to take place Thursday.
3- Grading papers = ugh! I need a clone! LOL

2 Hope's: 1- The new season of Real Housewives of Atlanta premieres tonight! It's a guilty pleasure of mines. I wish Nene didn't leave but I think it'll still be hilarious regardless.
2- My mom loves to have the Christmas tree up before Thanksgiving and I don't blame her. As fast as this year went by, Christmas will be here before we know it. She always leaves the decorations for me to put up (especially things I created in Pre-K and Kindergarten-lol). I can't believe she still has those things- well, actually I can!

1 Happy: The weather has been rainy for over a week now and it's gotten a bit chilly. All this means is- BOOTS, SCARVES AND COATS! YAY! Fall has the best clothing- if that makes sense!

That's my Sunday Scoop! What are you up to today and this week?


  1. I hear ya, Mahogany - fall does have the best clothes. I love my scarves, vests, and jackets! It's a little early for me to think about Christmas trees.
    iTeach 2nd

  2. I understand that it may seem a little early. I always think of that when I go into stores before Halloween and Christmas things are already up! I guess it's just to get you in the spirit because that's what putting up our Christmas tree usually does for us.

  3. I'm so excited to put up a Christmas tree! Thanks for your suggestion about brag tags!

    Years That Ask Questions

    1. You're welcome! I hope it encourage your students!

  4. I love putting up the Christmas tree early. My Mom's tradition was to put it up on Thanksgiving evening. My family and I usually wait until the day after Thanksgiving. The year that I was VERY pregnant with my daughter, we put it up early just in case I went into labor! Have a wonderful week. I'm wading through piles of correcting, too! Blah!
    Laughter and Consistency

  5. Awww...well around Thanksgiving is a good time to put it up as well!

    There has to be an easier system to this grading.
