
Currently December

I'm up early in the morning completing the December Currently. Don't ask why, I just am when I should be packing. But here it goes...

Listening: Thankfully I can watch the recording of Rosewood while I pack. It's a pretty good show and I'm a Morris Chestnut fan, so why not enjoy it.

Loving: Our district has finally given elementary teachers laptops! I can now work on grades and other school work from home. Even though I have my own personal laptop, I couldn't log into the system to do any grades.

Thinking: Aren't you a bit excited for the Christmas break? Once Halloween hits, all you're doing is counting down to Thanksgiving and Christmas!

Wanted: So before Rosewood, I watched the saved recording of Empire. I love love love EMPIRE! Why is it waiting so long to come back? The fall season finale was amazing and the previews of next season looks soooooooo good!

Needing: Sleep! After work, I came home and slept 8 hours straight! So now I'm up, still sleepy, but need to pack for a trip.

Real or Faux: A real tree? Ain't nobody got time for that (in my Sweet Brown's voice)! LOL

What are you currently up to? Probably sleeping at this time. Join in on Oh' Boy 4th Grade's Currently!


  1. Not sleeping yet, but definitely sleepy! Class of excited kindergarteners during Nativity week will do that to you!!

    Where is your trip to? Somewhere exciting I hope!

    Butterflying Through Teaching

    1. So you were up pretty early with

      Working with kindergarteners will definitely keep you busy regardless..

      My trip is to Texas (which is a lovely state), but it's for my aunt's will be good to be around and see family though

      Thanks for posting and HAPPY TEACHING!

  2. Hi there! I'm always happy to find a fellow third grade teacher! I'll have to check out your TV shows - I've never heard of them. Sorry about your aunt.

    1. Hi! Yeah, I enjoy finding other 3rd grade teaching blogs to connect with and learn new ideas from.

      Rosewood just started this season and Empire is now in it's second season but they are both great shows...especially Empire!

      And thanks...I'm just happy that my family is doing okay for the most part.

      Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY HOLIDAYS and TEACHING!

  3. I totally cracked up at "ain't nobody got time for that!". Amen! I think if we had to get a real tree....we'd never GET a tree! Last year we were horrible, we didn't put our tree up until we went on winter break and took it down right after Christmas lol It just takes up so much room!

    1. LOL...that would just take a lot for me to go get a real tree..we just take the faux tree from out of the box each year and use (renewable resource for the guys only had it up for a few weeks. I hope you already jumped on getting it up for this year..HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
