
Want to Teach Happy?

You ever have those moments when you are just not in the mood to go to work? Or you begin to feel a bit depressed and second guess yourself and your career choice? Well, I must say I went through that near the end of winter break. Before the break I was just tired for the past three months! I was a bit relieved when our state had that major flood because we were out of school for at least a week and a half! Wouldn't you enjoy that? Well, after that mini break it was back to the classroom of course and feeling slightly overwhelmed.

Teaching can be very rewarding and I have to say that it has definitely encouraged and shaped me in several ways. I enjoy working with my students and kids in general. That wasn't even the issue. When there's constant changes within your district and lack of support or several excuses from parents, it becomes very overwhelming and sometimes depressing. I didn't want to deal with that negativity.

It's great seeing so many educators on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter who have such joy and passion for this field. And don't get me wrong, I do as well; I just know I have to focus on why I entered this field and keep that at the forefront. That helped inspire me to keep pushing myself to focus on the positive of teaching and learn to revamp my own teaching style. Seeing others continue to inspire fellow teachers in this field helped me remember that I'm here for my students- to encourage, help, teach, mold and support them.

I didn't want to second guess myself in this field because I know where I want to go and am quite determined to see that through! This led me to join a group which I believe I can truly learn and grow from- Sheila Jane Teaching's Teach Happy Member community. It's created by Sheila Jane (a fellow teacher and teachrepenuer) and is geared to motivating, praising and inspiring teachers. Although the retention of new teachers is a bit higher than previously in the past, some teachers are still leaving the profession due to a lack of support, being overwhelmed, low salaries and several other reasons. Teachers need support and encouragement daily and this is exactly why this community will be of great impact.

Now I just became a member of the Teach Happy Member Family, but I have been following Sheila Jane for some months now and I love how she's an advocate and supporter for teachers! That is one reason why I know this group will be beneficial! You can find her on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Periscope, Blab, etc. So if you're looking for a community to receive motivation, network and to help you grow in your teaching career (or any career), I suggest the Teach Happy Community! To learn more, click on the #THM button below!

Continue to have a great school year and happy teaching!


  1. Thank you!! I needed this! It is nice to know that I am not alone in my struggles. My team and I have a very challenging group this year, and just had a conversation after school on Friday about what we can do to change our attitude and our students, because what we are doing isn't working. I am going to check out her group! Hope your year starts looking up!!

    1. Hi Kari! I'm right there in the same boat with you! My students this year are quite different from my previous two years but when I started back after break I had to remember that I'm here for them regardless and I try to keep my classroom as engaged as possible. Another issue this year is that a lot of my students are big time tattle tales! Some of the things they tattle about are not even necessary; so I was inspired by something Sheila's doing with us in our #THM community to build community and I believe it will help my classroom environment. I'll probably post about it soon though.

      Definitely check out Sheila's website and group. You can find her on almost any social media platform as well!

      Have a great rest of the school year and happy teaching!
