So this post is dedicated to one of my favorite reading skills and if you read the heading of this post then you know exactly what it is...context clues!!!!! I like to use two activities that I've created to help students learn and use context clues. The first activity is called 'Context Clues with Nonsensical Words'?
'Context Clues with Nonsensical Words' is a fun activity that my students enjoy. It allows them to talk, move, use their brain and work together. It also allows students to use context clues without even realizing that they are using context clues. It's something we do every day and that they clearly did naturally (well, I did mentioned they would have to use context clues in the directions but I didn't have to repeatedly say "Use context clues!").
With this activity students were required to read the sentence that included a nonsensical word. These individual sentences may or may not have clues to help the students. With their sentences they were then required to find other classmates who had sentences that used the same nonsensical word. Once they found all members who had the same word, students were able to combine their sentences to create a paragraph which helped them to further determine the word's meaning. When I tell you they enjoyed this activity, I really mean it (I may even post the video of us determining the meaning of one word as a class).
Context clues can be a difficult skill for some students but this fun activity allows them to find some excitement in using it while reading.
Here are a couple of sentences students received with nonsensical words.
Students began to join classmates to combine their sentences.
Once students combined their sentences, they worked together to use their sentences (paragraph) to determine the meaning of their words.
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