
Incorporating Technology- Edmodo

This past week my class started using Edmodo for class discussions. I love the idea of incorporating this technology resource because it allows students to use technology (clearly) and reflect on their reading. During my read alouds I model how to monitor comprehension, but this tool will also allow for them to do the same. For the past two years I have been trying to figure out how could I incorporate this tool into my class and thankfully I figured out a way.

Currently, the discussions are quite simple so students can get accustomed to responding to the questions and get familiar with the website. The questions allow them to reflect on the books in their literature circles (we are finishing up a unit on families and their books are Ramona Quimby, Age 8 and the Stink book series -they love them). Before my students were completing different activities and answering questions about their text, but since we need to wrap up the unit soon, I figured reflecting on the books online would be a great alternative. It also allows me to see if they are grasping the concepts taught throughout the week.

I chose the Ramona and Stink books because they are targeted to certain reading levels of course. The Ramona book is for my students who are reading at or above grade level. My Stink books are for my students who are reading on grade level 2. I have three other students who are reading below 2nd grade level, so currently they are not reading these chapter books but they are participating in the Edmodo assignments by reflecting on books they read with me on their level.

When I created our class page on Edmodo, I began thinking about all the college courses that required me to respond to a discussion or article online. Look how far we have come! Now lower grade level students are responding to discussions online. Where will we go next with incorporating technology for our students? Students creating websites for projects? I wouldn't be surprised.

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